This technique reprograms one’s subconscious for positive inner transformation and to open up to the limitless possibilities of success consciousness; generates positive energy for attracting prosperity and abundance; protects against impending calamities and disasters.
For 30 minutes, every 8:00–8:30pm, sit relaxed and close your eyes.
(8:00-8:10pm) Listen to the beatings of your heart. Imagine your heart to be like a glowing and radiating sun inside you, then feel your heart-sun to be the center of your being, then as the center of the universe. Now feel J-V-P-L-K. Do not think, feel each one:
(J) — JOY: (2 minutes) Feel your heart-sun to be the embodiment of joy and bliss. Don’t merely think of joy or bliss; feel it as vividly as you can. If you feel the urge to smile, then smile. It may help you feel joy better. Feel each positive attribute as a bundle of energy emanating from your heart-sun. Let this energy radiate all over your body.
(V) — VITALITY: (2 minutes) Feel strength and vitality. Your heart-sun is awash with vim and vigor. With every positive feeling you emote, visualize the light to glow more and more bright and intense.
(P) — PEACE: (2 minutes) Then, feel your heart-sun to be filled with goodness and peace. Everything is alright and in perfect harmony. There is peace in your heart-sun, and you are at peace with yourself, with the world and the entire universe.
(L) — LOVE: (2 minutes) Feel your heart-sun to be the embodiment of forgiveness, and that your heart-sun is overflowing with love and bliss. Be sincere in feeling these emotions.
(K) — KINDNESS: (2 minutes) Feel loving kindness and compassion. Feel as if you want to embrace the whole world and all creatures therein.
(8:10-8:25pm) Now stop feeling and radiating JVPLK, just go to the center of your heart-sun and stay there for 15 minutes.
(8:25-8:30pm) Relax and just be passive, forget your visualization. Do this for 5 minutes.
- What this technique does is that it uses our mind to focus and bring us closer to the more harmonious, creative, and nourishing energy that creates and sustains us; not to the gross vibrations which cause suffering and disease. All the pains and sufferings, the absence of abundance, the presence of bad turn of events, the recurrence of undesirable circumstances are brought about by one’s uncontrolled thought processes that are negative.
- This technique enables one to put a stop to the negative stream of consciousness, to transfer and expand the positive thoughts and emotions to our environment. All it takes is 30 minutes a day, every 8:00pm to 8:30pm of settling down and emoting positive thoughts. You can reformat your subconscious program and transform all the negative circumstances and start creating all the positive desirable circumstances in your life.
- Scientific researches show that positive and cheerful states of mind stimulate the release by the glands of beneficial hormones and chemicals which boost the immune system and strengthen natural resistance to disease while negative emotions trigger the release of toxic chemicals associated with stress and infection.
- Practicing this technique also develops “Multiple Intelligences.”